Name: Lisa Baker
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 877-228-1545
Product: Hey,
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your website. I thought the layout and information was very informative.
I’m writing to you because I noticed a technical issue that I wanted you to be aware of, it relates to how your search engine optimization is implemented. If you fix this issue it could have a really positive impact on performance. Do you want me to send you the issue or would you like me to jump on call so I can walk you through what I saw?
Lisa Baker
Digital Marketing Manager
(877) 228-1545
Smarter Tactics
Digital Marketing | AdWords Management | Content & Social | Influencer Marketing
Date: 2017-10-11
Product: Hey,
Just a quick note to say how much I enjoyed your website. I thought the layout and information was very informative.
I’m writing to you because I noticed a technical issue that I wanted you to be aware of, it relates to how your search engine optimization is implemented. If you fix this issue it could have a really positive impact on performance. Do you want me to send you the issue or would you like me to jump on call so I can walk you through what I saw?
Lisa Baker
Digital Marketing Manager
(877) 228-1545
Smarter Tactics
Digital Marketing | AdWords Management | Content & Social | Influencer Marketing