Name: david owusu
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 507355191
Product: My name is Mr. David owusu., the Managing Director of Consultant Ghana Ltd. We are looking for a foreign company who can handle a contract to supply to Republic of Ghana Government.
If your company can handle this lucrative opportunity, Kindly advise us immediately with your company's profile attached, so we can forward your details to the concern.
Kindly yours,
Mr.David owusu.
Managing Director
. Consultant Ghana Ltd
Block 1, Room 17, Koffi House
Abakuku - Accra, Ghana
Phone No +233507355191
[email protected]
Date: 2018-02-15
Product: My name is Mr. David owusu., the Managing Director of Consultant Ghana Ltd. We are looking for a foreign company who can handle a contract to supply to Republic of Ghana Government.
If your company can handle this lucrative opportunity, Kindly advise us immediately with your company's profile attached, so we can forward your details to the concern.
Kindly yours,
Mr.David owusu.
Managing Director
. Consultant Ghana Ltd
Block 1, Room 17, Koffi House
Abakuku - Accra, Ghana
Phone No +233507355191
[email protected]