  Name:  Mr.Jeremy Anderson

  Email:  [email protected]

  Phone:  281 533 7421

  Product:  To whom it may concern, I will like to order Pallet Jack.I need you to email me with the types and sizes you have and the payment method you do accept(master/Visa)cards.Awaiting to hear from you soon. Regards, Mr.Jeremy Anderson Company:William & co 8123 Cherry Glade Converse, TX 78109-3206 Tel:281 533 7421 Email: [email protected]


  Date:  2016-01-15

  Product:  To whom it may concern, I will like to order Pallet Jack.I need you to email me with the types and sizes you have and the payment method you do accept(master/Visa)cards.Awaiting to hear from you soon. Regards, Mr.Jeremy Anderson Company:William & co 8123 Cherry Glade Converse, TX 78109-3206 Tel:281 533 7421 Email: [email protected]

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